
A small knife fighting seminar was taught at Eli's 2002 birthday party. Instruction was provided by Sven and Geert and inspired by/stolen from Pete Kautz' latest London seminar in June 2002.

Traditional warmup exercises

Including lifting rocks and other heavy weights

Spada drill

Virtus Unita Fortior

Flag waving

The traditional martial exercise of flag-waving strentghens the muscles, expands the chest and induces full and regular respiration, imparts firmness of balance, accuracy and grace of motion, and, when skilfully used, presents a very attractive appearance.

some patterns may have to be modified for individual size...


The feast menu was made after original medieval recipes, mostly from UB Gent Hs. 1035, Menagier de Paris, and the Mittelniederdeutsches Kochbuch.


Nearly all traditional games have martial origins as exercices for warfare.

grabbing and toe-stomping games resulting in general melée

the Bear


German dagger techniques from the Von Danzig manuscript (Master Lignitzer and Master Huntfeltz).

that wasn't how it should be done

American Bowie knife fighting

Various offensive and defensive drill patterns in the Biddle and Styer tradition

Modern combat training

quickdraws from any position, grappling against walls or on the ground, surprise attack and group attacks, and drills from the DrawPoint system.

the importance of attacking with the legs while on the ground