(commercial use of the pictures is prohibited by the museum)

Maximilian armour, German, early 16th century

pic 1: heraldic dress
pic 2&3: brigantine
pic 5: mail suit, 15th century

A very nice mail mantle

pic 1&2: "antique" morion, Italian, 1550
pic 3, left: gauntlet by Valentin Siebenburger from Nurmberg, German, 1525-1550
pic 4&5: shoulder guards with padding
pic 14: German armet, 1550
pic 16: German half-armour, 1550
pic 17: engraved, damascened and gilded armour, can be adapted for joust, worn by archduke Albrecht when entering Brussels in 1599. Italian
pic 18&19: the only armour retaining the important head protection

A Flemish sallet, and a dog-faced bascinet

child armour by Anton Peffenhauser from Augsburg, belonged to Jozef-Ferdinand von Beieren