I bought this Luka “Tony version” figure online, which turned out to be a shoddy, ill-fitted bootleg with splotchy, dull, gray-ish paint job:

So I cut it apart and repainted it. This i supposed to be a “cast-off” type figure but Chinese bootleggers seem to like to glue everything. Because Communism I guess.

This was my first attempt at fully repainting a pvc figure, so there was a learning curve. But I think she looks much better now:

The shoelaces were fiddly to paint, so were the gold lines on her skirt. My eyesight isn’t what it used to be.

Mixing the pink for her hair was a challenge too.

I’m a bit puzzled by her base; it’s the size of a single but it has a hole like an LP… Ah well, who cares?

I sanded off most of the mold lines, but some are apparently still visible after the paint job.

Her clothes are spray-painted Tamiya gunmetal black, everything else is (mostly Valleyo) acrylic applied by brush, except for the gold triangles and figure on her skirt, which were done with gold pen. I wouldn’t use the Tamiya paint again on PVC, it doesn’t seem to cure fully. To put her back together I started out with 2-part epoxy, but I caved and finished with cyanoacrylate glue.

Yes I did repaint her panties after removing the original paint. The inside of her skirt was painted Vallejo metal azul, but you hardly see the difference with the gunmetal black.